Friends of CCHS Swimming and Diving
What are the options for pre-season training?
There are a variety of pre-season training options for swimmers. Although none of these programs are officially part of the CCHS Swim Team program and do not involve the high school coaches, many of our athletes participate to get in shape for the season. Sign-up for these programs/clinics is usually in early September.
Concord Recreation High School Swim Team Pre-season at the Beede Center at 498 Walden Street in Concord, MA. Look for specific information in the Concord Recreation brochure or on their website.
Thoreau Sharks High School Pre-Season at the Thoreau Club at 275 Forest Ridge Road in Concord, MA.
North Shore Swim Club at the Boston Sports Club at 475 Bedford Street in Lexington, MA
There are a couple of pre-season training options for divers as well.
Concord Recreation Diving Lessons at the Beede Center at 498 Walden Street in Concord, MA. Look for specific information in the Concord Recreation brochure or on their website.
Boston Area Diving (BAD), a team that also practices at the Beede Center. See their website for more information about their teams and lessons.

How do I find out more information about joining the CCHS Swim & Dive Team?
There will be a parent informational meeting at the high school in late November/early December to welcome new parents and answer any questions. Look for an announcement in the CCHS Weekly Wire.

How do we get information about events and fundraisers?
The CC Swim and Dive Team members maintain their own CCHS Swim & Dive Team Facebook page where they post information about fundraisers, changes to events or practice times, or team social events. The captains are elected before the season begins and are the main contacts and organizers of this page. You must be a CCHS Swim & Dive Team member to access the Team Facebook page. The Friends of CCHS Swimming and Diving also has a Facebook page which is a good source of information for CCHS Swim & Dive Team families. You must have a current or former child on the CCHS Swim & Dive Team to access the Friends of CCHS Swimming and Dive Facebook Page.
How do parents get information during the season?
The coaches communicate with the athletes on CCHS Google Classroom. The Friends of CCHS Swimming and Diving (FOSD) communicates with the parents/guardians of the members of the CCHS Swim & Dive Team. These parent communications include information about practices, meet schedules, fundraising events, and ordering apparel. Swimmers and divers are responsible for communicating to their parents about fundraisers and social events discussed on the Team Facebook page. If you would like to be added to the FOSD parent email list, please send your request to
What do I do if my child is sick and needs to miss practice?
It is tradition and the expectation of the coaches that swimmers and divers, not parents, communicate directly with the coaches about missing practice due to illness or other conflicts
What are the team social events?
The team captains organize various post-practice breakfasts and team psych dinners. All team members are invited and 9th graders are encouraged to participate. Friends of CCHS Swimming and Diving usually set up a sign-up genius for these team breakfasts and psych dinners.
What is Friends of CCHS Swimming and Diving (FOSD)?
Friends of CCHS Swimming and Diving (FOSD), is a parent - run (volunteer) non-profit organization officially recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 organization.
Do parents need to volunteer?
We ask that all parents volunteer to be a timer for at least one meet during the season. Sign-ups will begin via Signup Genius after the first parent meeting. The first parent meeting is generally held in November, prior to the season start. Dates will be posted on this site and shared with the Captains. A small orientation and training meeting is held for new volunteers at the beginning of each meet.
What does Friends of CCHS Swimming and Diving (FOSD) do?
FOSD supports the team through fundraising for swim team expenses not covered by Concord Carlisle Regional School District. This includes assistant coaches stipends, swim supplies such as stop watches, the maintenance of the electronic scoreboard, touch pads, and starter systems. FOSD also subsidizes the cost of the year end banquet and senior gifts and provides organizational support to the coaching staff by coordinating volunteers at meets, communicating about team schedules and events, maintaining the website, and organizing the year end banquet.
How can I learn more about High School Swim and Dive Rules?
CCHS swims and dives as part of the MIAA Dual County League. We provide a summary of the rules, but also encourage you to visit the MIAA website: MIAA Swim & Dive Home Page
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